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Join an international community of Scripture-Diggers

introducing the

Introducing The Dig Your Well Community - a members-only space for fellow Scripture-diggers to gather, be encouraged, challenged, and find community. Your membership includes:

Dear Monday

Over 100 daily morning devotionals originally featured in the Dear Monday planner with brand a new Monday devotional released weekly.

Psalms commentary

Jane takes you on a word-by-word journey through the Psalms with detailed hermeneutical and expository notes on every single verse.

the weekly table

A virtual round-table gathering to discuss the fruit of your study from our community reading plan. Through it, Jane provides some light teaching mixed with her favorite Scripture-digging tips (like: how to get the most out of those genealogies)!

community forum

A private space to find accountability, share your lightbulb moments, ask questions, wrestle through difficult passages, and enjoy community.

Ready to access the resources?

Join for $15