hooray! here are your
You're a Dream Believer
Your sweet spot is seeing the big picture—in your right-now days and also full of faith for what God has next.
You are a big-picture thinker, often imagining the possibilities more than seeing things simply as they are now. You enjoy conceptualizing, prefer new things over routine, and are always looking for the deeper meaning of something. Because of that, you are incredibly proficient at applying Scripture to events and issues around you.
You thrive on deep topics like spirituality, growth, ethics, and values.
Most importantly? You trust God's voice speaking to you over your five senses.
top verses for dream believers
1 Corinthians 13:12-13
James 1:22
Romans 8:28
Does this sound like you? If not, hop over here to check out the other results!
I'm Jane Johnson
I'm a Bible teacher, Scripture-digger, 90s rap aficionado (I bet you've never seen those things together before), and miracle-mama three times over.
The decade-long wait for motherhood forced me to dig into the depths of Scripture with white-knuckle faith, refusing to let go of God because I knew He would never let go of me.
These days, I teach women like you how to dig deep into God's Word the same way.
Topical Study
It's easy to see why a topical study is the best fit for Dream Believers - they allow you to see the whole picture of any subject you can dream up.
Whether you look through a wide lens at topics like joy or a narrower lens for more specific things like palm trees (or, narrower still, palm branches), studying by topic allows you to dig deeper into any subject to find its overall meaning and intention for proper life application.
Need help deciding where even to begin diving in? Try the gift of faith.
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for a how-to guide
You will receive a note from me with even more quiet time tips and a sample study that’ll make your morning sing.
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for a how-to guide
You will receive a note from me with even more quiet time tips that’ll make your morning sing.
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