You guys. I have a huge announcement. It’s so big that my armpits are a little bit sweaty thinking about releasing this brand new book-babe out into the world. It’s been kept pretty tightly under wraps, not so much because I am a vault when it comes to secret-keeping. More like I am a classic over-thinker and have been far too nervous to say anything out loud because then I am committed to it. And what if it isn’t anywhere near as amazing as I think it is?? #honestyhour
But I’m taking a deep breath, swallowing down the anxiety, and spilling the beans on my book-babe secret!
2-1/2 years ago, I made a vow to make Monday morning inboxes a little bit richer. Over a thousand of you signed up to join a not-so-secret society of Scripture-diggers. I knew the starting point. And, like so many other Bible studies that I’ve written, I wasn’t sure where (or how) it would end up. But you joined the journey with me, once a week, to walk with me step-for-glory-step.
Since our big move across the ocean (followed shortly after by introducing our second miracle babe to the family), those Monday emails have gone dormant. But they haven’t been forgotten. I’ve just been over here thinking on where to take them next. That’s when the big idea happened: “Why not turn it all into a one-year planner?” I thought one day.
Sure, it was a tall task – especially since the year was already half-gone. But I decided to tackle it anyway.
Dear Monday:
a 2020 Devotional Planner for Scripture-Diggers
I’ve spent WEEKS taking all of the existing Dear Monday emails, polishing them, and writing a dozen BRAND NEW devotionals to turn it all into a daily planner for Scripture-diggers! Whoop!!
The Dear Monday Devotional Planner features:
• 52 Monday morning devotionals to start the week off right
• Daily quotes & insights surrounding the weekly verse
• Monthly quiet time tips
• A built-in daily Bible reading plan
… plus all the other things you would want in a daily planner, all sealed up in an 8.5×11, soft-cover, perfect-bound package!
And the best part? It’s available for pre-sale TODAY!! Of course, with a couple of pre-sale bonuses:
• Guided step-by-step studies from four of the devotionals showing you how I came to my insights
• Once-a-month emails with exclusive tips for digging deeper into Scripture on your own
Presale bonus offer ends 10/31/19.