Hello, sweet friends! I just finished re-reading this week’s homework, and I will never tire of reminding myself of the truths tucked within the pages. To hold things loosely. And thankfully. To breathe deep when I want to hold that same breath and scream in frustration. To stretch myself after Him when I’d rather curl up in hunger and want.
I was studying this morning about stewardship. And what a steward looks like. What the responsibility entails. How the job description looks. It turns out that a good steward is not only a trusted manager of an estate (and sometimes even a family), but also a dispenser. Someone who parcels out food from a home or grazing to animals. When you are stewarding, you are giving out things that don’t belong to you. Literally dispensing grace.
And I thought about that as I re-read about contentment this evening. And how a steward cannot get caught up in want. Because when he does, he ends up withholding. Not giving out the things he would rather keep for himself. And the people who are in need of that parceled-out-food? They’re left hungry. In a way, discontentment starves the people who would otherwise benefit from the glory-filled calling He has placed on our lives. I’m not sure I’ve ever realized the true impact of that. The repercussion of less-than-stellar-stewardship.
In this study, I talk a lot about digging. It’s something I talk a lot about in general – digging deeper into Scripture. Digging for the treasures. Digging for the mysteries that only His Spirit reveals. And as I read the story in Luke 16, the overwhelming importance of responsible stewardship that is fueled by contentment about blew me off my chair.
It’s the story of a rich man who had a steward that was accused of wasting goods. Squandering them. Not parceling his master’s possessions out the way he should. And the not-so-successful-steward was confronted. And told to get everything in order because he was about to be fired. And then the domino-effect-reality caught up with him.
What am I going to do? he cried. This stewardship was taken from me. I cannot dig.
And as soon as I read those words, I thought about the instant ramifications of being less-than-successful at stewarding in my own life. Not sharing my story because I’m tired of talking about it. Or the topic of grief and waiting and suffering and loss is too heavy. Too dark. So I’m just going to stop parceling out for awhile. But digging?? That’s what I do. And if I don’t steward the thing He’s given me well just because I prefer to parcel out someone else’s goods? I will no longer be able to dig.
Oh LORD, teach me continual contentment that I might steward well.
this week in review
Let’s chat! This week was meaty and I can’t wait to hear about the things that really moved you!
Day One:
Re-visit the end of Day One and the part about the miner stopping off the water from the flowing pits. And then allowing the water that remains to be made sweet. Where can you allow God to sweeten your existing water-circumstances rather than draining them and wanting new water?
Day Two:
Re-read Romans 9:20-23, paying attention to the last verse. What is your dipped-in-gold-calling? The one that displays the riches of His glory? What do you feel like He has prepared for you to glorify Him best?
Day Three:
In what ways are you suffering from want when you can rest in contentment?
Day Four:
Have you ever experienced an unfulfilled dream or unanswered prayer? Describe a real-life example in which contentment, for you, was really stubbornness softened.
Day Five:
What are you witholding from God that you are afraid to lose?
a peek at next week
As we close our chapter on contentment, we open another one that’s difficult to understand. Affliction. And what it really looks like in a believer’s life. In the introduction, I talk about how sometimes affliction feels like your spiritual muscles are on a thirty-day shred. As I sit here writing this, my 26-weeks-pregnant-belly-muscles are feeling stretched tight. And I smile. Because I know that there is glory in the stretching. And that stretching always leads to something good. Always.
In all their affliction, He was afflicted, and the Angel of His presence saved them; in His love and pity He redeemed them; and He bore them and carried them all the days of old.
Isaiah 63:9
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So, here comes a dump. We got married almost 4 months ago. God pulled us childhood crushes together 25 years later and His hand was all over it. We’re older and set in our ways so my husband’s three weeks away on the oil rig was perfect for us to transition into married life, me to build business in Peachtree City, make new friends, sell my house, & get used to life in a new place. God had other plans. 4 weeks after saying “I do” my husband got laid off which changed everything for us. I basically moved to PTC with just the necessities from my 2500 sq ft home just for me and my cats to live in to a 2 bedroom apartment with he, his daughter, myself, now three cats, and whatever stuff I couldn’t live without. I didn’t have time to make new friends, really find a church home, build business, and we were together 24/7. Life is not what we expected and we’ve had our bumps for sure. He’s since gotten a job that works long hours (due to driving), doesn’t pay much (at least not like the oil field) and I’m an instant mom still trying to find her place in a new city. Can we say all the reasons for discontentment and wanting to breath out frustration?!?!?!?!!!! We find ourselves reminding each other that it’s just a season and we’re growing in the process. I’m learning to live with less and appreciate what matters. I am surprisingly content and loving that this time is drawing me closer to God.
Besides that, we want children of our own and being that we’re getting up there in age we don’t have time to delay. It’s not happening yet and I get discouraged. It was funny that as I read Ps 84:11 I thought to myself, “He withholds no good thing”, maybe a baby isn’t a good thing right now. Maybe a baby of our own will never be a good thing for us. Then I read on and that’s just what you wrote, Jane. While it’s very sad to think about, I have seen God do great things for me and be faithful. I will always say He is a good good daddy no matter what.
Hi Meghan! I love Peachtree City! A close friend of mine lives there, and we photographed a Zac Brown Band wedding there a couple of years ago. Such a special place for us, and it was actually on our short list of places to move before deciding on Maui. And I completely understand your scenario. We moved out of a 2300 square foot house into a 500 square foot cottage, with our living room being the kitchen being my office. Our couch faced the refrigerator which was on top of the TV! All while wanting a baby and knowing that we had no room for one and desperately praying to find contentment! I even took some time to read through and pray through a fantastic book called Calm My Anxious Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Finding Contentment. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it! You can find it here: https://www.amazon.com/Calm-Anxious-Heart-Contentment-Collection/dp/1600061419
Thanks so much for sharing! xo
How fun would that have been to have been able to have coffee together here in PTC! Does your friend happen to go to Bethel Atlanta (if she still lives here)? I’m in desperate need of meeting some women more my age in my phase of life to lean on and be a support to them as well. If she’s here maybe we could connect some time. Thanks for the book suggestion!
I am blessed with a great job, but I find myself being discontent working the 8-5. My husband and I want to have kids, but we both went to a private Christian college and are focusing on paying down student loan debt. I have struggled to be content with where we are at, and it is hard when it feels like everybody around me gets to have what I want. This week’s study has been great for me. On Tues. was my 26th birthday and I was able to reflect on all the ways God has blessed me with what I desired and more by my 26th birthday. And I also felt like I was able to surrender the things I still desire. I am sure it will be a daily surrender, and some days harder than others, but it does feel so good to release that to God and trust his good and perfect plan.
Natalie!! Happy birthday!!
“I have struggled to be content with where we are at, and it is hard when it feels like everybody around me gets to have what I want.”
Girl. I feel ya. Next week’s study on Thankfulness and Joy is all about that! I can’t wait for you to read it!