hooray! here are your

resultsQuiet Time

You're a Word Digger

Your sweet spot is living in the details—grounding your faith in the irrefutable Scripture facts that support it.

While many women around you approach their mornings with Jesus with feelings first, you prefer taking a more logical, data-driven approach. You thrive in details over abstractions, appreciating a study of the Bible that leaves you with practical applications instead of wondering what, exactly, it was that you just read.


You thrive on deep-diving into a verse and instinctually know when there is more to a word than meets the eye.

You are the most likely one of your friends to pour yourself into theology and tend to stick to the same Scripture-study regiment. Memorizing Scripture comes naturally to you, so try your hand at these:

top verses for word diggers

Romans 11:33

Ephesians 3:16-19

Isaiah 66:2

Does this sound like you? If not, hop over here to check out the other results!

I'm Jane Johnson

I'm a Bible teacher, Scripture-digger, 90s rap aficionado (I bet you've never seen those things together before), and miracle-mama three times over.


The decade-long wait for motherhood forced me to dig into the depths of Scripture with white-knuckle faith, refusing to let go of God because I knew He would never let go of me.


These days, I teach women like you how to dig deep into God's Word the same way.


Word Study

The ultimate goal behind biblical word studies? It's to get crystal-clear clarity on the intent of a passage that you cannot get by simply reading the verse. Some Greek verbs can have hundreds of different forms, which means hundreds of different definitions.

Gone are the days of wishing you knew Greek or Hebrew so you could understand what the Bible is really saying!


A word study in the Bible is an easy way to not only fact-check your favorite Bible teachers and pastors but to see for yourself what the author originally intended to say with their Spirit-whispered word choices.

And, P.S., here's a quick warning: once you start doing word studies, you won't be able to stop!

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for a how-to guide

You will receive a note from me with even more quiet time tips and a sample study that’ll make your morning sing.

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for a how-to guide

You will receive a note from me with even more quiet time tips that’ll make your morning sing.

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