Dear Monday is Back!

I started a not-so-secret society last year in response to an overwhelming number of people wanting one simple thing: more of God’s Word. Nearly one thousand of you banded together, signing up for weekly emails to kick off the week with a few Spirit-filled words. And we kept at it for a few months until life took over. With a baby at home and a book being written, I had to save all my words for some very big deadlines. So I hit the pause button on Dear Monday. And I’m so happy to say that it’s finally coming back!

If you were already part of the Dear Monday list, you’re sittin’ pretty.  We will be picking up our Mondays together again on Monday, March 19th, jumping right back in where we left off in Isaiah 43 and that “behold, I’m doing a new thing” verse – just in time for a brand new spring season.

Not part of the list? Good news! You can start from the very beginning right away by signing up right here!

I don’t know about you, but for me? Mondays just got a whole lot sweeter!

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Dear Monday is Back!

I started a not-so-secret society last year in response to an overwhelming number of people wanting one simple thing: more of God’s Word. Nearly one thousand of you banded together, signing up for weekly emails to kick off the week with a few Spirit-filled words. And we kept at it for a few months until life took over. With a baby at home and a book being written, I had to save all my words for some very big deadlines. So I hit the pause button on Dear Monday. And I’m so happy to say that it’s finally coming back!

If you were already part of the Dear Monday list, you’re sittin’ pretty.  We will be picking up our Mondays together again on Monday, March 19th, jumping right back in where we left off in Isaiah 43 and that “behold, I’m doing a new thing” verse – just in time for a brand new spring season.

Not part of the list? Good news! You can start from the very beginning right away by signing up right here!

I don’t know about you, but for me? Mondays just got a whole lot sweeter!

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