Quiet Time Tip: Talk to Yourself

I was reading in Psalm 1 this morning during my quiet time. “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly,” I read. “And does not stand in the path of sinners. Or sit in the seat of the scornful.” And then I came to the words that I bolded dark in my prayer journal: “But his delight is in the law of the LORD,  and in His law, he habitually meditates day and night.”

And I did what I always do: I began to dig. To discover what the psalmist intended when he talked about habitually meditating on God’s law. It turns out that it means something that a lot of us do all day long, whether or not we realize it: speaking to yourself, murmuring and in a low voice.

I thought it was an interesting idea, made a note of it, and went along with my morning.

A couple of hours later, I was taking out the trash. And as I walked to the dumpster, I caught myself talking under my breath. And the words I read this morning instantly ran through my mind. So I recalled the Psalm-1-verses from my quiet time, making a point to meditate on them, and recite them to myself in that low, talking-to-yourself-voice. So that I could tangibly think on, and delight in, His Word. Day and night.

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Taking it a step further, and read Scripture aloud to yourself in the morning. That way it’s easier to remember throughout the day. And the more you recite it, the more it’s engraved in your memory.

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Quiet Time Tip: Talk to Yourself

I was reading in Psalm 1 this morning during my quiet time. “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly,” I read. “And does not stand in the path of sinners. Or sit in the seat of the scornful.” And then I came to the words that I bolded dark in my prayer journal: “But his delight is in the law of the LORD,  and in His law, he habitually meditates day and night.”

And I did what I always do: I began to dig. To discover what the psalmist intended when he talked about habitually meditating on God’s law. It turns out that it means something that a lot of us do all day long, whether or not we realize it: speaking to yourself, murmuring and in a low voice.

I thought it was an interesting idea, made a note of it, and went along with my morning.

A couple of hours later, I was taking out the trash. And as I walked to the dumpster, I caught myself talking under my breath. And the words I read this morning instantly ran through my mind. So I recalled the Psalm-1-verses from my quiet time, making a point to meditate on them, and recite them to myself in that low, talking-to-yourself-voice. So that I could tangibly think on, and delight in, His Word. Day and night.

[Tweet “Quiet Time Tip: Talk to yourself, reciting those morning-glory-words all day long. (Psalm 1:2)”]

Taking it a step further, and read Scripture aloud to yourself in the morning. That way it’s easier to remember throughout the day. And the more you recite it, the more it’s engraved in your memory.

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